Sunday, October 30, 2011

Discovery Day

We called today our "Discovery Day" instead of "High Attendance Sunday" because instead of trying to reach some fairly meaningless goal we wanted to put the emphasis on people coming to discover First Baptist and hopefully, if they have not already, coming to discover the Good News about Jesus.  It was a great day in the Lord's house as we had a special guest speaker, Charles Kilgore, and a special guest musician, Pat Waters, to lead us in our worship.

Since I didn't preach this morning I wanted to share here two announcements we had.  We have the almost unprecedented opportunity to start a Sunday evening worship service at another church building in the area and will do so this coming Sunday night, November 6th, at Lake Bridgeport Baptist Church which is located at 1301 N. Main St. in Lake Bridgeport.  It is 5 miles from our church.  No one has used the building in nearly a year and we are super excited to be able to use the facilities.  Please join us at 6 o'clock.

Secondly, we will have my dear friend Jody Kennedy to speak to us next Sunday morning.  Jody is a missionary and he will relay some opportunities for our church to go with him and some others to the white-for-harvest fields of Nicaragua.  I promised Jody I would go and we would take at least 6 people from our church on his trip there June 9-18, 2012.  Please pray about how God wants to use you to fulfill the Great Commission.  This is a wonderful opportunity we have to be, as Jody puts it, at the tip of the spear in spreading the Gospel.

These are exciting times at an exciting place and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!  God is working in and through our church so be prepared for Him to bless but also be prepared for Satan to attack as well.  Honestly, I would be scared of that if I didn't read the end of the Great Commission in Matthew 28 that says, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  So c'mon!  This will be fun!

PS  And speaking of fun, don't forget that our Fallfest is tomorrow evening from 5-7.  We have the best prizes ever so you don't want to miss it.  I love you all, Todd

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